Softlandia background



AI & Data Science

If you are already drowning in data or just the planning your data collection process, wondering what is the business value of your data, please reach out.

Cloud Native Solutions

If you have an application idea, it should probably be created in the cloud.

Sensor Fusion & IoT

Our IoT services cover use case validation, sensor fusion, and proof of concepts. We simplify hardware platform selection for reliable data acquisition and integration.

Software Consulting

If you need individual experts or an experienced team to help you build software and products, get in touch.

Other Services

AI & Data Science

We are experts in creating functional artificial intelligence solutions for your enterprise. Our offering covers the complete pipeline from algorithm development to software deployment. As the creators of YOKOTAI, we have hands-on experience from the full stack of AI engineering, from traditional natural language processing (NLP) pipelines to large language models (LLMs).

Our expertise doesn't stop there! We have years of experience in image and biosignal processing, to name a few topics. If you are already drowning in data or just the planning your data collection process, wondering what is the business value of your data, please reach out.

We can evaluate your data and answer all of these questions. We will create a plan to refine and clean the data, and propose an approach to gain insights from your data.

We have experience in building custom data collection solutions and utilizing technologies such as Azure IoT Hub and IoT Central. We always choose a proper data storage solution, be it anything from SQL to NoSQL, using tools such as PostgreSQL, MongoDB, CosmosDB or data lakes.

Whether your process needs an Extract-Transform-Load setup using Apache Airflow, or an Event-Driven Architecture using Azure Event Hub or Apache Kafka, we've got the expertise to get you going. Naturally, we'll coordinate the heavy computations to a Spark or Azure Data Explorer cluster.

To extract knowledge from your data, we have the competence to apply data reduction methods from Principal Component Analysis to Isomap and create classification or regression models using powerful machine learning packages. When gradient-based methods don't deliver, we can optimize using genetic algorithms.

And of course, the visualizations will be informative and beautiful.

If you don’t have the data yet but have an idea about collecting it, don’t worry. We can design and build together the full solution.

Cloud Native Solutions

Most greenfield software projects are implemented on top of cloud infrastructure. If you have an application idea, it should probably be created in the cloud. We have experience ranging from full-blown cloud-based IoT platforms to custom web applications. 

Examples of projects our team members have delivered:

  • Business designs

  • Cloud architecture

  • Full-blown B2C solutions

  • B2B solutions

  • IoT solutions

  • APIs, API management

  • Data pipelines, data analysis, data visualization

  • User interfaces, search tools, and management tools running in the cloud

We can design and develop the whole solution from the ground up starting, for example, from an edge IoT device and ending up in the cloud. This includes cloud architecture design and implementation, backend service development and easy-to-use web-based user interfaces with beautiful visualizations. Additionally, we can enhance the solution with data analysis and AI features.

For the backend, we use C#, Rust, Python, Go, and JavaScript / TypeScript. For the front end, we prefer to use React and TypeScript. However, these are not the only technologies we know.

The actual cloud architecture and the needed cloud services are determined during cloud architecture design. We have extensive knowledge about Azure and its services. Therefore, we can design cost-effective solutions by selecting the most appropriate services for the project needs. Here are some examples of the Azure services that we have recently used:

  • IoT: IoT Edge, IoT Hub, IoT Central

  • Identity & access control: Azure Entra ID and Entra External ID

  • Compute: Functions, App Service, Static Web Apps, Virtual Machines, Container Apps

  • Databases & storage: CosmosDB, SQL Server, SQL Database, Blob Storage, Azure Cache for Redis, Azure Database for PostgreSQL

  • Analytics: Azure Data Explorer, Time Series Insights

  • Integration & messaging: Event Grid, SignalR Service, Azure Notification Hub, API Management, Logic Apps

  • DevOps: Container Registry, Azure DevOps, Azure Pipelines, ARM Templating

  • AI & machine learning: Azure Cognitive Services, AI Studio, OpenAI & other managed LLMs

  • Networking: Front Door, Virtual Networks

  • Other: Key Vault, Application Insights, Azure Maps

While we prefer to use Azure as the public cloud platform, AWS and Google Cloud are our choices of tools as well.

Sensor Fusion & IoT

Our services in IoT and sensor fusion include:

  • Use case validation and development

  • Sensor fusion architecture and system design

  • Proof of concepts

  • Sensor selection and validation

  • Signal processing algorithms and software

  • Scalable solutions

Countless hardware platforms can be used to build Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Selecting a good, future-proof and cost-effective platform is not an easy task. Our expertise makes this selection process easy.

IoT devices produce huge amounts of data. This data is the most important part of any IoT solution: it can be sold, refined further and generate new business. Sometimes the data quality is low: data may be malformed or uninterpretable and cannot be used for further analysis. We will ensure you get high-quality data by selecting the correct sensors and delivering a coherent solution.

IoT sensors' data is not usually informative in its raw form. Often, the data must be combined from multiple sensors to get more meaningful results. We implement sensor fusion and edge computing solutions that make sense. When you need to connect your devices securely to the cloud and manage them there, we can deliver that.

Our track record includes integration projects where dozens of sensors, such as cameras and accelerometers, are integrated. Additionally, we work in deep cooperation with sensor manufacturers.

We can cover the whole IoT and data solution design and development.
Software Consulting

If you need individual experts or an experienced team to help you build software and products, call us. We offer our software development as projects or resources with hourly charging. Currently, we have a team of eight professionals with different backgrounds working in our team.

Our consultants work in the following areas:

Cloud and software architecture consulting: Cloud architecture design, software architecture design, architecture benchmarks and evaluation of existing solutions.

Software development services: Web & cloud backend, frontend and full-stack development. IoT device software, desktop software.

Data Science & AI: Sensor fusion, data engineering, data pipelines and data processing, machine learning.

Technologies we are familiar with: Azure, JavaScript/TypeScript, NodeJS, HTML/CSS, Next.js, Electron, C, C++, C#, Go, Python, Rust, Qt+QML, OpenCV, Numpy, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Django, React/React Native, ASP.NET Core, .NET Core / modern .NET, Linux, Windows, macOS+iOS, Android, Docker, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, CosmosDB, MongoDB, AWS, Google Cloud, Image Processing, Cell biology, Neuroscience, CAN

For more details please get in touch with You can as well reach us through the contact form below.