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About Us

Meet the Softlandians

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Olli-Pekka Heinisuo, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Founder, Senior Software Architect

Over ten years of versatile experience in software and product development.
Software & cloud architectures, greenfield projects, open-source.

Past: OptoFidelity, Eatech / Etteplan, Symbio

Ada Hieta, B.Sc. (Tech)
Senior Software Engineer

Rust expert with over 6 years of experience in software developement, IoT, cloud and SW architecture.

Past: OptoFidelity

Teemu Kumpumäki, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Partner, Senior Software Developer

Over ten years of experience in software development, data science and algorithms.

Past: Delta Cygni Labs, Tampere University

Mikko Lehtimäki, PhD
Founder, Chief Data Scientist

Over six years of experience in professional software development, data science and algorithms.

Past: Artific Intelligence, OptoFidelity, Insta DefSec, Tampere University

Ilmo Lounasmaa, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Founder, Chairman

Over twenty years in management of tech companies.

Past: OptoFidelity, Nokia, Neogames, Sales, marketing, business development, serial entrepreneur & business angel

Joonas Makkonen,
Advisor, Partner

Previously Mr Makkonen worked as the President of Voyage Solutions in Wärtsilä and CEO of Reaktor in New York.

During his previous career, Mr Makkonen has had the privilege of working with prestigious organizations such as HBO, Procter & Gamble, Virgin, Dow Jones, Viacom, Samsung, and Michael Kors.

Henrik Nyman, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Founder, Senior Software Architect

Over seven years of experience in software and product development, software architecture, large scale test automation systems and open-source development.

Past: OptoFidelity

Antti Ohtonen, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Partner, Senior Software Architect

Over six years of experience in software development, software architecture, data engineering and machine learning.

Past: Unikie, Bitwise, Intel

Jaakko Timonen, M.Sc. (Econ.)
Chief Customer Officer, AI

Full stack commercial guy. Award-winning marketer able to convert data insights into PR. Curious to understand your priorities and how AI can help you.

Past: Startup founder (, B2B SaaS (Meltwater, eDocker)


Smile & Deliver

Smile and deliver is something we want our company to be remembered for. Being nice and making things happen. 

Softlandia was founded to be a for keeps workplace. We, the founders, want to work in the company for decades and want all future employees to feel the same way. It's our responsibility as founders and management to make Softlandia a simply beautiful place to work.

What Makes People Smile & Deliver?

One of the most important factors for a great workplace is psychological safety. 

Harvard Business Review writes about psychological safety: "positive emotions like trust, curiosity, confidence, and inspiration broaden the mind and help us build psychological, social, and physical resources. We become more open-minded, resilient, motivated, and persistent when we feel safe. Humor increases, as does solution-finding and divergent thinking — the cognitive process underlying creativity.

Laura Delizonna, Ph.D., is an executive coach, and instructor at Stanford University

We find this profound, and it is one of the building blocks of our working culture. We have woven the essentials of psychological safety into two of our values: smile and deliver. These are the things that we want our team to represent, and the things we continuously seek to become better at. If you want to read the whole story about psychological safety, visit HBR website.

Smile. For us, this means good behavior, being nice to our teammates, being optimistic, finding solutions, remembering all the positives, and representing that all around. But it also means that there is room for joking around and general merriment. It's just simply great to have a laugh at work.

Deliver. Delivering what the customer needs. Deliver it on time. Deliver on the expected level, and sometimes beyond. For a service company, delivering is key. In order to succeed in meeting the customer's needs, you need to understand what is needed and understand it on many levels. Thus, delivering starts with understanding. But it also encompasses time management, good communication and swift execution of tasks.

Our third value, Desire to learn, means learning on both the individual and the organizational level. On the organizational level, it means, that we reserve time and opportunities to learn in all areas where the individuals’ interests and our company's needs meet. In this, we are inspired by organizational scientist Carol Dweck, known for the Growth Mindset, from Stanford University. 

The last value relates to Feedback. A person has to be able to accept feedback in order to learn. Taking feedback, and really listening, is sometimes hard. To make it easier, we, as team members and individuals, need to focus on giving feedback. Feedback must be a part of our every day and it must be relevant. In some areas of work, feedback needs to be organized in a certain way in order for it to be meaningful and produce results.

These few lines try to describe what we, as a team, want to be. As a young company, we are just starting to build on our values. There is a lot to be done but we take our values seriously from day one. 

Smile & Deliver - Feedback & learn