Softlandia background



Julkaisut tagilla

#Stream Processing

From Earth to Mars: The Impact of Our Open-Source Contributions

Softlandia's team is a prominent contributor in open-source communities. These contributions are a testament to our capability to deliver outstanding value in software, AI, algorithms, and signal processing.

Recap of the second data science meetup

Our second data science meetup of the year was held on 21.3.2023, and it was great!

Bytewax & Softlandia Workshop: Stateful Streaming Slack GenAI RAG -botti

16. helmikuuta Softlandia ja Bytewax järjestivät mielenkiintoisen workshopin, jonka tavoitteena oli tutustuttaa osallistujat stateful streaming -teknologiaan sekä tekoälyn perusteisiin Slack-bottien parissa.

Real-time data processing in Python - technology evaluation

In this blog post, we take a look at stateful stream processing technologies for Python. All code is made available.