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Posts tagged with

#machine learning

LLM-based Agents for Tabular Data Processing

Understanding and acting on tabular data, such as CRM and ERP exports, SQL databases, Excel sheets and comma separated values, remains challenging for large language models. In this post we show how an agentic workflow can take on the challenge of understanding tabulated data.

AI Engine explained – The path to smarter automation

An AI engine acts as a versatile toolkit, enabling businesses to automate tasks previously requiring human intellect. It transforms messy data into structured, actionable insights, streamlining business processes and enhancing decision-making speed.

Recap of the First Data Science Infrastructure Meetup

The first event focused on the tools and infrastructure that enable productive data science, machine learning and analytics projects.

Recap of the second data science meetup

Our second data science meetup of the year was held on 21.3.2023, and it was great!

Building NLP solutions: strategies and tools

Here we give a roadmap to creating an effective NLP service, and list some of our favourite tools.

Training tiny specialized language models

Here, we're demonstrating a new transformer architecture called MEGABYTE, and training it on a new interesting dataset called TinyStories, on a laptop!

Finnish talk show host Arto Nyberg interviewed AI developed by Softlandia

An example of applied AI was witnessed by over half a million Finns during a live special broadcast of the Arto Nyberg talk show: we had the opportunity to implement a real-time talking and moving AI avatar for the program.