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#machine learning

Top things to know about AI transcription to stay ahead of the competition

AI transcription automates speech-to-text conversion for faster, more detailed documentation, voice analytics, and multilingual content creation. Leverage advanced machine learning models, large language models, and speaker recognition technology to improve user experience and stay competitive.

LLM-based Agents for Tabular Data Processing

Understanding and acting on tabular data, such as CRM and ERP exports, SQL databases, Excel sheets and comma separated values, remains challenging for large language models. In this post we show how an agentic workflow can take on the challenge of understanding tabulated data.

Tekoälymoottori – sitä parempaa automaatiota

Tekoälymoottori on monipuolinen työkalupakki, jonka avulla yritykset voivat automatisoida tehtäviä, jotka aiemmin vaativat ihmisen älykkyyttä. Se muuntaa sekavan datan jäsennellyiksi tehostaen liiketoimintaprosesseja ja nopeuttaen päätöksentekoa.

Recap of the First Data Science Infrastructure Meetup

The first event focused on the tools and infrastructure that enable productive data science, machine learning and analytics projects.

Recap of the second data science meetup

Our second data science meetup of the year was held on 21.3.2023, and it was great!

Building NLP solutions: strategies and tools

Here we give a roadmap to creating an effective NLP service, and list some of our favourite tools.

Training tiny specialized language models

Here, we're demonstrating a new transformer architecture called MEGABYTE, and training it on a new interesting dataset called TinyStories, on a laptop!

Arto Nyberg haastatteli Softlandian toteuttamaa tekoälyä

Yli puoli miljoonaa suomalaista näki esimerkin sovelletusta tekoälystä Arto Nyberg -ohjelman suorassa juhlalähetyksessä: saimme mahdollisuuden toteuttaa reaaliajassa keskustelevan ja liikkuvan tekoälyhahmon Arto Nyberg -ohjelmaan.