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Challenges Developers Face in Building Gen AI and LLM Apps: Insights from Recent Research

As Generative AI (Gen AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) become integral to the software landscape, developers are encountering unique challenges when building applications with these cutting-edge technologies.

A recent study researched developer issues by analyzing over 29,000 from an OpenAI developer forum. The goal was to uncover common pain points and understand the real-world difficulties faced by those developing with Gen AI and LLMs, particularly in the OpenAI ecosystem.

In this blog post, we’ll walk through the key insights from this research and provide some takeaways on how developers can overcome these challenges.

1. Integrations with Custom Applications

One of the major hurdles identified by developers is integrating LLMs into existing or new applications. While APIs make these integrations theoretically easier, the complexity of embedding an LLM into a software architecture poses a significant barrier. Developers are often unclear about how to structure the interaction between an LLM and their application’s workflows.

Why is this a challenge?

  • Lack of documentation or guidance on integration best practices

  • Difficulty in maintaining flexibility for future upgrades or model replacements

  • Issues with ensuring seamless communication between the LLM and the application’s backend

What can developers do?

  • Adopt modular AI architecture that 

    • allows for easy swapping or upgrading of LLM models

    • allows rapid iteration of the AI architecture as new novel approaches emerge

    • allows easy continuous evaluation of the quality of the AI-generated content

  • Rely on community-driven resources or OpenAI’s forums for integration examples and support

2. API Issues: Errors and Usage Complexity

APIs are central to leveraging LLMs in applications, but many developers encounter API-related frustrations. These include cryptic error messages, poorly documented usage limits, and cumbersome authentication processes. Given the dynamic nature of LLM outputs, developers often spend considerable time troubleshooting.

Why does this happen?

  • APIs evolve rapidly, and documentation may not keep pace

  • Lack of clear debugging tools for identifying and resolving API issues

  • Restrictions on API usage, including rate limits, can hamper smooth operations

What can developers do?

  • Use monitoring and logging to capture API interactions, which can help troubleshoot recurring issues

  • Keep abreast of updates from the API provider to minimize disruptions caused by changes in endpoints or limitations

3. Generation Issues: Fine-tuning and Text Processing

Fine-tuning LLMs to deliver the desired outputs remains an intricate process for developers. Issues arise in generating consistent, high-quality responses, whether for customer service, content creation, or code generation applications. Additionally, developers struggle with optimizing LLMs for specific domain knowledge or tuning models for nuanced tasks.

What causes these challenges?

  • The difficulty of fine-tuning models on custom datasets while balancing the risk of model overfitting

  • Inconsistent results when processing unstructured text

  • Time-intensive nature of training and testing models

What can developers do?

  • Experiment with smaller subsets of data before scaling up fine-tuning

  • Collaborate with domain experts when building custom datasets for better alignment of the LLM’s responses

  • Make use of pre-trained models, which can reduce the complexity and time required for fine-tuning

  • Use continuous automatic evaluation and optimization to reach better generation results

4. Non-Functional Requirements: Cost, Privacy, and Regulation

A significant consideration in LLM development revolves around non-functional properties like cost, privacy, and security. Deploying large models is resource-intensive, making it crucial to budget for compute costs while ensuring privacy and data security regulations are met. Additionally, balancing performance with costs, especially under restrictive rate limits, adds an extra layer of difficulty.

Key issues include:

  • Escalating costs for training and deploying LLMs at scale

  • Adherence to privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR) when dealing with sensitive data

  • Ensuring that LLM deployments are secure and resistant to malicious inputs

What can developers do?

  • Plan for costs upfront by benchmarking the compute and resource requirements of the LLMs being deployed

  • Explore model optimization techniques like quantization or pruning to reduce the size and cost of inference

  • Design secure LLM pipelines by implementing robust guardrails into the system

5. GPT Builder Development: Deploying and Managing Multiple GPTs

OpenAI’s GPT Builder tools, encompassing both ChatGPT plugins and custom GPTs, are designed to meet diverse user needs. While these technologies share a common technical foundation, developers frequently encounter challenges during both the development and testing phases.

Challenges include:

  • Selecting appropriate development tools and environments (IDEs, languages, etc.) for building GPTs or plugins

  • Managing multiple GPTs or plugins within the same application to handle various tasks simultaneously

  • Addressing parsing errors and other technical issues when integrating GPTs into cloud-based environments

  • Ensuring seamless validation and deployment across different environments

What can developers do?

  • Leverage automated testing frameworks that support multiple testing methodologies, such as unit, integration, and acceptance testing, to ensure robust functionality

  • Developers should focus on optimizing their GPT usage by following best practices for error handling and validation to avoid bottlenecks during deployment

6. Prompt Engineering: Crafting Quality Prompts

Finally, the art of crafting effective prompts, also known as "prompt engineering," remains an essential skill for LLM developers. Writing prompts that produce consistent and useful outputs can be frustratingly difficult, especially for more nuanced tasks like code generation, summarization, or conversational agents. Developers often face challenges with "Retrieval-Augmented Generation" (RAG), where the model must fetch and utilize external information sources.

Key pain points:

  • Trial and error involved in crafting effective prompts

  • Lack of reusable prompt templates or best practices for prompt design

  • Ensuring that prompts work consistently across different versions of an LLM

What can developers do?

  • It’s crucial to implement automatic continuous evaluation that tracks how the LLMs and the system as a whole react to prompt changes

  • Start with simple prompts and gradually introduce complexity

  • Maintain a prompt library with examples that have been tested in similar use cases

  • Stay updated on prompt engineering techniques by engaging with the developer community

The Bigger Picture: Planning for the Future

A critical insight from this research is the potential future-proofing challenge for developers. Many current infrastructures make it difficult to replace or upgrade LLMs as newer versions become available. This can lead to escalating costs and inefficiencies down the road.

To mitigate this risk, developers should build their applications with flexibility in mind. Implementing modular AI architectures that allow for easy swapping of LLM models as well as other components will reduce technical debt and ensure long-term success.

Final Thoughts

Developing Gen AI and LLM apps poses unique challenges that go beyond traditional software development. By understanding the key pain points such as integration issues, API complexity, fine-tuning, and prompt engineering, developers can take proactive steps to overcome these barriers. Staying informed, building flexible AI architectures, and leveraging community support will be crucial as this field continues to evolve.

To dive deeper into these insights and learn how you can tackle these challenges in your projects, check out full research findings here.

P.S. If you’d like to watch how Bytewax developed a Slack bot with Softlandia during a live workshop streamed online, please click here.


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