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Julkaisut tagilla


Unlocking Qdrant + Python on Azure: A Guide to Deployment and Authentication

Learn how to deploy and secure Qdrant on Azure with App Service authentication, allowing safe interaction from any environment. With Python examples!

Deploying Qdrant with gRPC & Auth on Azure: A FastAPI Singleton Client Guide

Deploy Qdrant to Azure with HTTP/2 and gRPC and access it asynchronously via a singleton instance of the Qdrant client via FastAPI dependency injection.

Palvelimettomat LLM:t (demo!) ja muut generatiivisen tekoälyn trendit vuonna 2024

Pienet kielimallit ovat yksi generatiivisen tekoälyn suurimmista trendeistä vuonna 2024. Niitä voi jo nyt käyttää ilmaiseksi palvelimettomilla alustoilla!

Metaflow in Practice

In this blog post, we'll show how to use Metaflow to write production-grade data science workflows.

Explaining the Cloud: a Layman's Guide

In this post, we explain cloud computing in simple terms for those who may be unfamiliar with the technology. The cloud has revolutionized software development, making it more accessible, cost-effective, and scalable than ever before.

Distributed Data Science with Metaflow and Dask

In this blog post, we’ll show how to progress with Metaflow when you want to start utilizing the cloud. We’ll use open source software in the Azure cloud to boost our productivity.

Scheduling data science workflows in Azure with Argo and Metaflow

In this blog post, we show how to automate data processing pipelines with Metaflow in Azure using Argo Workflows!

Data Science on Azure with Metaflow

Metaflow is an open-source data science framework. How does it compare to Azure's data science tools?

Palvelittomat pilvinatiivit REST APIt Azure Functions-alustalla

Hyvä ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin avulla on helppo rakentaa palvelittomia REST-rajapintoja Azure Functions -alustalle.

Google lopettaa IoT Coren: näin siirryt Azureen

Google Cloudin päällä on tummia pilviä. Nyt on hyvä hetki aloittaa IoT-projektien siirto jollekin muulle palveluntarjoajalle.